Panchayat is a 2020 Indian Hindi-language comedy-drama webseries created by The Viral Fever for the Amazon Prime Video. The series scripted by Chandan Kumar, was directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra, which features Jitendra Kumar, Raghubir Yadav, Neena Gupta, Biswapati Sarkar and Chandan Roy. It chronicles the life of an engineering graduate who joins as a Panchayat secretary in a remote village Phulera of Uttar Pradesh due to lack of better job options.
An engineering graduate, Abhishek, is unable to find a job of his calibre. So, he ends up working for a panchayat in a remote Indian village and deals with several mundane challenges.
The series was shot in a real panchayat office located in Madhya Pradesh.
The soundtrack and score of the series is composed by Anurag Saikia, whilst cinematography and editing were performed by Amitabh Singh and Amit Kulkarni respectively. This series is Mishra's full-fledged attempt in direction after directing the respective second seasons of Permanent Roommates and Humorously Yours!.[1]
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Panchayat was premiered on Amazon Prime Video on 3 April 2020.[2] The series received mostly positive response from critics, with the performances of the leading actors, scripting, direction and major technical aspects were praised, critics also appreciated TVF, its producers to come up with a rural village setting as compared to the previous projects, which is mostly based on the urban atmosphere.[3] At the inaugural ceremony of Filmfare OTT Awards, the film won all the nominations under the Comedy Series category, except for Best Actress, which went to Mithila Palkar for Little Things. The series was also nominated for Best Original Story, Screenplay, and Dialogues for Chandan Kumar, although it did not receive a win.[4]